Sustainable Subsea Networks

Why Cables?
Satellite gets all the hype, but subsea cables do all the work. Our global cable network carries almost 100% of transoceanic internet traffic. Without cables, the Internet as we know it would be largely split between continents. To date, no organization has taken on the challenge to document the sustainability of this underwater network.
map courtesy of Telegeography

Why Sustainability?
Despite seemingly boundless potential, we live on a finite planet. As climate change and resource access shape the parameters of human existence, we must rethink our approach to what we need, what we use, and how we use it - in ways that protect the health and stability of our only world. We believe that research is a crucial aspect of enhancing network sustainability.
image courtesy of MBARI
Sustainable Subsea Networks is supported by

The SubOptic Foundation

The Internet Society Foundation
Contact Us
sustainablesubseanetworks [at] gmail [dot] com